Sex Trafficking

May 19, 2017

Publication of the Month: Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth

Researchers announced findings from the largest-ever combined sample of homeless youth in the United States and Canada, revealing that nearly one-fifth are victims of human trafficking, including those trafficked for sex, labor, or both.

Human Trafficking and Armed Conflict
March 9, 2017

Human Trafficking and Armed Conflict

Armed conflict and human trafficking frequently coincide. Complex emergencies such as armed conflict, civil wars, and genocide mean vulnerable populations are at an increased risk for exploitation and trafficking.

Prajwala: An Eternal Flame
February 27, 2017

Prajwala: An Eternal Flame

Every year in India, over 200,000 women and children are inducted into the flesh trade. Of these, approximately one-third are under 18 years old. Sex trafficking is not only a severe violation of human rights but also results in adverse physical, psychological and moral consequences for the victims.

2016 Highlights in the Anti-Trafficking Movement
January 6, 2017

2016 Highlights in the Anti-Trafficking Movement

In 2016, the anti-trafficking movement has made a number of strides forward in combatting trafficking in persons in the US and abroad. As we look forward to combatting human trafficking in 2017, we wanted to take some time and reflect on the steps forward we took in 2016.

Part 8: What to Do if you Think your Teen has been Approached by a Pimp or Trafficker
October 27, 2016

Part 8: What to Do if you Think your Teen has been Approached by a Pimp or Trafficker

The idea that someone you know or even your own teen could have been contacted by a pimp or trafficker is terrifying.  Chances are, this will never happen to your family, but if it does, you should know exactly what to do.

Part 7: Do you Know Who your Kids Are Chatting With? Why Online Safety Matters
October 25, 2016

Part 7: Do you Know Who your Kids Are Chatting With? Why Online Safety Matters

Social media plays a big role in most of our lives, particularly for our teenagers. Unfortunately, social media and the Internet also play a big role in child sex trafficking.

Part 6: Protecting your Teen from a Pimp
October 24, 2016

Part 6: Protecting your Teen from a Pimp

Pimps are master manipulators.  They are talented actors and salespeople and target girls who are emotionally vulnerable.

Part 5: Protecting Children from Human Trafficking
October 22, 2016

Part 5: Protecting Children from Human Trafficking

We are thrilled to feature Tina Frundt, founder of Courtney’s House and a survivor of domestic sex trafficking, on protecting children from human trafficking.

October 7, 2016

A Back-to-School Series on Human Trafficking

Did you know that just being at school can be a risk factor for children being trafficked? Over the next two weeks, we partner with a number of organizations and experts to keep you informed about the best ways to keep your children safe from human trafficking. 

Evaluating 2016 TIP Report Rankings
August 15, 2016

Evaluating 2016 TIP Report Rankings

Recently the U.S. Department of State released the 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report (“TIP Report”). This year’s rankings were met with anticipation and international interest.