The New Normal or Same Old? The Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on MDWs
Across the past 6-months, there has been wide-ranging discussion of how the world will look and feel when the Covid-19 pandemic resolves itself (if, indeed, it does in a clear fashion). While for the most part this still remains a question to be answered, there have been some hints as to the changes we might expect to remain in place for a prolonged period, as many countries ease from their more severe states of ‘lockdown’ (or from their ‘circuit breaker’ measures, as they were named in Singapore). While not in Singapore during the global pandemic, I maintained contact with several domestic workers that I had previously interviewed during my PhD fieldwork. Knowing about their lives within Singapore before the pandemic, I was intrigued to learn more about how their everyday routines and experiences had been altered. In this blog post, therefore, I draw together these domestic workers reflections, both from informal conversations and more formal online interviews. In order to protect the identity of the people interviewed, pseudonyms have been used throughout this paper.
See here.