Labor Trafficking

Trafficking in Our Backyard: The Link between Trafficking and Immigration
October 1, 2016

Trafficking in Our Backyard: The Link between Trafficking and Immigration

Rathish Pandian grew up in Tamil Nadu, Southern India, but fled to the U.S. as an adult after being threatened by government authorities for his political views. Upon arrival here, he was offered a job by another immigrant from his country at a Subway restaurant, but his trafficker…

Evaluating 2016 TIP Report Rankings
August 15, 2016

Evaluating 2016 TIP Report Rankings

Recently the U.S. Department of State released the 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report (“TIP Report”). This year’s rankings were met with anticipation and international interest.

August 5, 2016

Human Trafficking Surrounding the Olympics

The ongoing political, economic and public health crisis in Brazil coupled with the near-total lack of preparation for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games makes this a challenging time for Brazil. Besieged by rumors of shoddy construction, insufficient funds and inadequate planning…

What Was In Your Chocolate This Easter?
March 30, 2016

What Was In Your Chocolate This Easter?

Easter has come and gone, and the chocolate bunny was in its full glory. Every year, ninety million chocolate bunnies are produced to meet the Easter demand, generating (along with other Easter candies) over $2.26 billion. However, despite the ease with which these innocent bunnies bounce into our shopping carts, their origins may not be so innocent.

Presidential Elections and Human Trafficking: Positions and Actions
March 21, 2016

Presidential Elections and Human Trafficking: Positions and Actions

With the presidential elections heating up and the primaries taking center stage in the media, it is important to know where contenders stand on the issue of human trafficking. 

Recent Progress to Combat Slavery on the High Seas
February 22, 2016

Recent Progress to Combat Slavery on the High Seas

While the existence of slavery and human exploitation in the maritime fishing industry continues to be a known human rights abuse, several advancements in the fight to eliminate slavery from fishing boats occurred last week that might improve the lives of maritime laborers and clean up fishing supply chains.

February 8- International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
February 8, 2016

February 8- International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking

Today is the second International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. The day is intended to raise awareness and encourage reflection on the violence and injustice that impact victims of human trafficking. February 8th was selected as the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking as it is the day commemorating St. Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint of anti-trafficking in the Catholic faith.

Heart of the Matter: A Film about the Trafficking of Refugees in the European Union
January 11, 2016

Heart of the Matter: A Film about the Trafficking of Refugees in the European Union

In response to the refugee crisis in Europe, Worldwide Documentaries has conceived Heart of the Matter, a short film that will also serve as a companion piece to Not My Life, the universally acclaimed documentary on global human trafficking and child exploitation.

In the European Union (EU), the intense, daily preoccupation with the consequences of massive immigration has created an awareness gap with respect to the most dangerous consequence of all: human trafficking

It is the New Year: Reflections and Projections
January 7, 2016

It is the New Year: Reflections and Projections

Happy New Year from everyone at Human Trafficking Search! As we bring in the New Year, we hope that you will join us in reflecting on this past year and looking forward to some fresh goals in the US for 2016.

This past year, Human Trafficking Search shared informative weekly blog posts on current events related to human trafficking and the anti-trafficking movement. Our posts covered a variety of topics, from speaking to children about trafficking to trafficking in specific countries, such as Brazil or Nepal. In recap, please enjoy reading some of our most popular posts from the year.

Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership Alleviate Forced Labor?
December 28, 2015

Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership Alleviate Forced Labor?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the largest regional trade deal in history. Talks to create the TPP began over seven years ago and it was finally drafted on October 5, 2015. The twelve member countries, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States and Vietnam covers 792 million people and make up 40 percent of the world’s economic activity.