International Domestic Workers’ Day – Making decent work a reality beyond COVID-19

International Domestic Workers’ Day – Making decent work a reality beyond COVID-19

International Domestic Workers’ Day – Making decent work a reality beyond COVID-19

Domestic workers have been among the workers the most affected by the #COVID-19 outbreak. Their contribution to households has been immense, even while the pandemic has threatened their livelihoods. Since the adoption of ILO Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers, many countries around the world have worked to improve their protection. In 2021, the ILO will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Convention 189. Rather than let COVID-19 roll back important gains, please join the ILO in hearing from domestic workers about some of their most urgent needs for protection, and make sure they enjoy decent work now and in the future. ​This Webinar is a great opportunity to hear straight from domestic workers, union leaders and other stakeholders about their experiences, good practices, and priorities for future support and pave the way to make sure the impact of the current shock never happens again.
Watch here.