Guidelines for Improving Policies And Practices on Child Labor and Forced Labor
As part of the project “Combatting Child Labour in the Garment Supply Chains”, AGT signatories used a collaborative approach to collect more insight into their supply chains and how best to support their supply chain partners in preventing and remediating child labour and forced labour. In Tamil Nadu the project was implemented by four Dutch garment companies, ARISA, SAVE and the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and in Bangladesh it was implemented by two Dutch garment companies, UNICEF Netherlands and CCR CSR. The businesses and oganisations that signed the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textiles (AGT) commited themselves to fighting child labour and forced labour in their supply chain. This document provides concrete steps for setting standards and improving child labour and forced labour policies, and recommendations for providing remediation in case forced labour or child labour is detected. Suggestions for further reading and links to existing tools for companies to address child labour and forced labour are also provided.
Read more here.