Labor and Human Rights – Risk Analysis of the Guatemalan Palm Oil Sector

Labor and Human Rights – Risk Analysis of the Guatemalan Palm Oil Sector

Labor and Human Rights – Risk Analysis of the Guatemalan Palm Oil Sector

This report provides information on labor and human rights risks linked to palm oil production in Guatemala. These risks include land grabs and displacement, unethical recruitment and hiring practices, indicators of forced labor, wage and hour violations, child labor, violations of women’s rights, unacceptable living conditions, a lack of grievance mechanisms, and environmental damage. This report also includes recommendations for the Guatemalan government and palm oil producers and buyers on steps that they can take to reduce these risks.

To read the full report, please click here.


Verité is a global, nonprofit organization with a mission to ensure that people worldwide work under safe, fair, and legal conditions. Verité works with the largest corporations in the world to illuminate labor rights violations in their global supply chains and to resolve them to the benefit of companies and workers alike.