Forced Labor

February 25, 2020

Human Trafficking and Prison Labor, Part 2: Understanding the Types of Prison Labor

Most people assume that in 1865 with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment slavery in the United States was abolished. However, forced labor still exists in the United States today through the exception built into the Thirteenth Amendment for those who have been “duly convicted of a crime”. This exception made it legal and permissible to continue slavery within prisons in the United States. This is commonly known now as prison labor.

February 11, 2020

Human Trafficking and Prison Labor, Part 1: An Overview

This is the first in a three-part blog series authored by Polaris to introduce the issue.  Read part two here, …

Remediation and Elimination of Recruitment Costs Charged to Migrant Workers
January 3, 2020

Remediation and Elimination of Recruitment Costs Charged to Migrant Workers

Guest post by Verité, originally posted on Verité’s website   Migrant workers are frequently confronted with a choice: pay illegal …

Slave-free Holiday Shopping
December 17, 2019

Slave-free Holiday Shopping

The holiday season is upon us.  Along with cookie exchanges and holiday parties, many of us mark the season by …

Preventing Goods Made with Forced Labor from Entering the United States
December 4, 2019

Preventing Goods Made with Forced Labor from Entering the United States

Forced labor is used to produce a wide array of goods.  For example, The New York Times, produced a series …

What’s in Your Chocolate this Halloween?
October 29, 2019

What’s in Your Chocolate this Halloween?

The majority of cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate, comes from just two countries – Ghana and Cote D’Ivoire.  In both countries child labor in the cocoa sector is prevalent. 

Spotlighting Action: Migrants Empowering Migrant Guestworkers through the Power of Information and Technology at
September 8, 2019

Spotlighting Action: Migrants Empowering Migrant Guestworkers through the Power of Information and Technology at is a portal, made by immigrants, for immigrant guestworkers, that provides secure anonymous employer reviews. This allows migrants in the guestworker program to regain some power in the inherently employer-favored power dynamic that the H2-A and H2-B guestworker visas promote.

Liverpool Football Club’s Anti-Slavery Statement, an Industry Model
June 3, 2019

Liverpool Football Club’s Anti-Slavery Statement, an Industry Model

Liverpool, a top football club, is setting a positive example for the sport’s industry with their newly released anti-trafficking statement. This kind of corporate responsibility should be enacted in all industries to effectively fight human trafficking.

What’s Behind Your Cup of Tea?
May 15, 2019

What’s Behind Your Cup of Tea?

70,000 cups of tea are consumed globally every second! As the world’s top beverage after water, learn how this massive industry is key in combatting unfair labor practices.

January 24, 2019

Is it Slavery? Cultural Competence versus Cultural Relativism

William is a 14-year-old orphan from Uganda. After his parents died, his mother’s relatives took him in to live with …