Child Trafficking

Child Soldiers and ISIS
June 8, 2015

Child Soldiers and ISIS

Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF claimed that 2014 was the most devastating year ever for children. It is not …

April 30, 2015

What to Do if You Think Your Teen Has Been Approached by a Pimp or Trafficker

The idea that someone you know or even your own teen could have been contacted by a pimp or trafficker …

April 27, 2015

Do You Know Who Your Kids Are Chatting With? Why Online Safety Matters

We really appreciate the opportunity that we’ve had this month to partner with Human Trafficking Search to raise awareness about …

Continuing the Conversation
April 24, 2015

Continuing the Conversation

Earlier this week we discussed how to start the conversation with your child about the issue of sex trafficking, check …

Start the Conversation: How to Talk to Kids About Trafficking
April 20, 2015

Start the Conversation: How to Talk to Kids About Trafficking

Most parents dread having the big “sex talk” when their child becomes a teenager. Today, if you wait until that …

April 16, 2015

The Educator’s Role in Talking to/Teaching Children about Human Trafficking

In today’s tumultuous climate for America’s youth we have to wonder how educators are able to stay on track when …

April 9, 2015

Discussing Trauma With Children

We are excited to partner with Human Trafficking Search this month on the Protecting Children from Human Trafficking Campaign. Talking …

February 23, 2015

The Business Case for Survivors of Trafficking

Four years ago when I pitched my Indian anti-sex trafficking social enterprise at an investor’s circle in the Bay Area, …

February 2, 2015

Two Years of the HTS Blog

Two years ago this last week the first HTS blog post was published. In the post, we explained that the …

December 22, 2014

Ending Trafficking Domestically and Abroad

When most people in the United States hear the words “human trafficking”, they often think of it happening in places …