Migrants crossing the Sahara face indescribable dangers

Migrants crossing the Sahara face indescribable dangers

Migrants crossing the Sahara face indescribable dangers

A harrowing United Nations report, spotlighted by the Associated Press, reveals the severe dangers migrants face on their journey to Europe. While the perils of the Mediterranean are well-known, the earlier phase across the Sahel and Sahara proves even deadlier, doubling the mortality risk and shedding light on an urgent yet overlooked crisis.

Unseen dangers on land

“Everyone that has crossed the Sahara can tell you of people they know who died in the desert, whereas you interview people in Lampedusa: Not that many people will tell you about people they know who … died at sea.” – Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR special envoy

Over 72,400 migrants have sailed across the Mediterranean in 2024 alone, with at least 785 known to be dead or missing. However, tracking the number of migrants crossing the Sahel and Sahara proves even more challenging. Recorded deaths in these regions reached at least 1,180 from January 2020 to May 2024, but the true number is believed to be much higher. As migrants traverse northward, they encounter criminal gangs that exploit them through enslavement, organ removal, rape, and kidnapping for ransom, making the Sahara crossing a deadly yet less visible crisis.

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