Posts Tagged: Prevention

Spotlighting Action: Migrants Empowering Migrant Guestworkers through the Power of Information and Technology at
September 8, 2019

Spotlighting Action: Migrants Empowering Migrant Guestworkers through the Power of Information and Technology at is a portal, made by immigrants, for immigrant guestworkers, that provides secure anonymous employer reviews. This allows migrants in the guestworker program to regain some power in the inherently employer-favored power dynamic that the H2-A and H2-B guestworker visas promote.

What’s Behind Your Cup of Tea?
May 15, 2019

What’s Behind Your Cup of Tea?

70,000 cups of tea are consumed globally every second! As the world’s top beverage after water, learn how this massive industry is key in combatting unfair labor practices.