Workplace Abuses Against Migrant Domestic Workers: An Exploratory Study
The study aimed a) to identify the different forms of abuses and their consequential damages, b) to determine the prevalence of reported abuse, c) to find out the association between the household employee’s profile and their views towards consequential damage of abuse, and d) to determine which form of abuse has the highest consequential damage. A sequential exploratory mixed-methods approach was the design used that started with a qualitative phase through interviews, followed by a quantitative survey. Filipino migrant domestic workers who are housed in a shelter were the research participants. The qualitative phase involved 10 migrant domestic workers and the quantitative phase involved 73 participants. The phenomenological inquiry afforded to categorically classify three forms of abuses, namely corruptive, confrontative, and coercive that generate a ripple of consequences known as effectual damage and affectual damage, respectively. Building from the exploratory results, the second quantitative phase was able to generalize the initial findings to a larger population of migrant domestic workers. The Lebenswelt of the underprivileged migrant domestic workers is a primordial source to raise awareness about the abuses and their effects and to encourage collective action such as implementing change as regards to labor policies and procedures, policy formulations, and human resource capacity building programs as means to reviving the human dignity and wellbeing of women in the informal employment.
See full study here.