Social protection for domestic workers: Key policy trends and statistics
To successfully meet the challenge of extending social protection coverage to
domestic workers, in addition to the political will of governments and other interested
actors, adequate information is needed on the global situation and country practices in this
area. This study attempts to contribute to closing the information gap that currently exists
in this area.
Accordingly, the objective of this report is to present systematized international
information with respect to the configuration and practices of social security schemes for
the domestic work sector. It systematizes, describes and analyses the main characteristics
of social security schemes in terms of their personal scope, institutional organization,
administration and coverage rates. Practices observed in selected countries that have
achieved advanced levels of domestic work coverage have been systematized and
complement this information.
The findings in this study underscore the magnitude of the challenge of resolving the
worldwide deficit of social security coverage for domestic workers. The challenge is a
daunting one and involves most countries, even developed nations. The study demonstrates
that major gaps exist in legal and effective coverage at the regional and country levels.
Nevertheless, there is a clear trend toward increased coverage, especially in developing
See the full report here.