New film exposes state-sponsored organ trafficking- China wants to block it
State Organs is a recently released Canadian documentary. The film exposes China’s sickening state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting through the story of two families searching for their missing loved ones. But The Epoch Times reports that operatives in China have been making threats to journalists, theatres, law enforcement and lawmakers aiming to stop the film from seeing the light of day.
Forced organ harvesting “hits a sore spot” for China
Falun Gong practitioners have been targeted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the last 25 years. Those refusing to give up the practice are subjected to arbitrary arrests, long imprisonment and mental and physical torture. Forced organ harvesting is one of those torture methods. State Organs aims to draw attention to this form of trafficking, hoping to force the CCP to stop. However, forced organ harvesting and Falun Gong are both terms on the long list of censored topics in China.
The film’s Director, Raymond Zhang said:
“(China) is afraid to let the world know about this genocidal crime, and it’s been doing all it can to cover up this crime over the past 25 years.”
According to the U.N., the global shortage of organs available for ethical transplant procedures has led to a rise in illegal organ harvesting and sales. Despite more than 150,000 transplants being performed worldwide each year, only 10 percent of the global demand is currently being met. In many cases, though victims may have “consented”, that consent is invalid when deception, fraud or abuse of a position of vulnerability is involved. That makes it human trafficking. For Falun Gong practitioners subjected to organ harvesting while in jail, those conditions have certainly been met.