Leaving Home: Voices of children on the move

Bill Bell, Miquel de Paladella, Annie Kelly, Daniela Reale, Save the Children

Children have become an important part of large-scale population movements both within and between countries and are likely to be increasingly affected in the next decades as a result of globalisation, socio-economic shifts and climate change. Yet, in debates on both child protection and migration, children who move are largely invisible. As a result, policy responses to support these vulnerable children are fragmented and inconsistent. This report aims to give children a voice and allow them to describe in their own words the causes of why they go on the move and analyse the range of positive as well as negative impacts that migration can have on their lives.

To read the full report, please click here.


Save the Children is a leading humanitarian organization which aims to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts. It is now a global movement made up of 29 national member organizations which work in 120 countries.