Human trafficking in Vietnam: Factsheet
Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation has been addressing human
trafficking since 2005. While the term “human trafficking” covers
a wide range of crimes, our work is in two specific areas: the
trafficking of children into exploitative labour and the trafficking
of Vietnamese women and girls into sexual exploitation and
forced marriages in China.
To address these issues Blue Dragon has a team of lawyers, psychologists and social workers
who work closely with law enforcement agencies, schools, government services agencies, and
communities. Together, we identify cases of trafficking, find the victims and their traffickers,
rescue victims, and provide all the necessary services for their successful recovery and
reintegration into their communities.
In cases where the trafficker is arrested, we collaborate with police to support the investigation
of the case and then represent the victims in court to ensure they are not further traumatised
during the process, and to see that justice is served through appropriate sentences and
compensation claims.
This fact sheet captures some of what we know about human trafficking and Blue Dragon’s
approach to countering it.
See the Fact sheet here.