Hidden harvest- finding forced labor in India’s cotton

Hidden harvest- finding forced labor in India’s cotton

Hidden harvest- finding forced labor in India’s cotton

Widespread labor violations were recently found on cotton farms in Madhya Pradesh, India. During Transparentem’s ten-month investigation child labor, debt bondage, abusive working conditions, in addition to other indicators of forced labor as defined by the ILO were uncovered. Further, 60 global brands have been linked to the three suppliers that source cotton from these farms. That means forced labor is likely hiding in retailers around the world.  

What’s lurking beyond the first tier of the supply chain 

Transparentem is an organization allied with workers and communities worldwide to uncover abuses in global supply chains and drive labor and environmental justice. Their recent investigation into labor conditions on 90 cotton farms in Madhya Pradesh, India revealed alarming practices, including egregious use of exploitative child labor. Ravi is a worker interviewed for the investigation who was raising his niece.  He said she had started working in the cotton fields at age 11. For their survival, Ravi said he had little choice. Sadly, rather than taking her to school he had to bring her to the farm to work. 

Ravi stated: 

“There are many children (working on the farm). For the sake of our daily bread, we have to work. If we just let the child go to study, then how will we overcome our hunger?” 

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