CNN on Fair Food Program: “How America’s ‘ground-zero’ for modern slavery was cleaned up by workers’ group…”

CNN on Fair Food Program: “How America’s ‘ground-zero’ for modern slavery was cleaned up by workers’ group…”

CNN on Fair Food Program: “How America’s ‘ground-zero’ for modern slavery was cleaned up by workers’ group…”

The Freedom Project team spoke with partners at every level of the Fair Food Program.  Traveling from the tomato fields of Florida to the produce aisles of Whole Foods, the report documents workers’ stories of the unprecedented changes in Florida’s tomato industry, the CIW’s unique worker-to-worker education process, the Fair Food Standards Council’s in-depth auditing and enforcement efforts, the participating growers’ investments in creating a safe and respectful work environment, and the participating buyers’ critically important commitment to back the Program’s human rights-based code of conduct with real market consequences for growers who violate the code.