Modern slavery and the United Nations Security Council

Modern slavery and the United Nations Security Council

Modern slavery and the United Nations Security Council

Research briefing

This briefing was prepared by Ergul Celiksoy and Katarina Schwarz with support from the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre Strategic Priorities Fund grant [AH/T012412/1] and ESRC Impact Acceleration Account [ES/T501992/1]. The research was conducted by a collaborative project team from the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham and Free the Slaves.


This briefing provides an overview of findings from a study on modern slavery as a security concern at the level of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The study examined the intersections between modern slavery, human trafficking, and key agendas of the UNSC to support improved efforts to combat modern slavery in security contexts. The study analysed the responses of the UNSC to modern slavery practices in armed conflicts, focusing on three specific agendas: (1) Women, peace and security (WPS); (2) Children and armed conflict (CAC); and (3) Protection of civilians in armed conflict (PCAC).

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