Estonian Migrant Workers as Targets of Trafficking for Forced Labour and Labour Exploitation

Estonian Migrant Workers as Targets of Trafficking for Forced Labour and Labour Exploitation

Estonian Migrant Workers as Targets of Trafficking for Forced Labour and Labour Exploitation

The objective of the present study is to analyze existing evidence on forced labour and labour exploitation more systematically, looking into the elements of labour exploitation, which are the coercive recruitment and employment practices in certain labour market sectors.

The project seeks to answer the following questions:

  •  What are the main sources of evidence when studying labour exploitation and trafficking for forced labour in Estonia?
  •  What are the target sectors and countries for migration?
  •  What are the main problems leading to labour exploitation in the recruitment process?
  •  What kind of exploitative situations do Estonian nationals face abroad?
  •  What are the main mechanisms of exploitative employment practices?
  •  What are the main risk factors for labour exploitation?
  •  How do current legislative and institutional means respond to labour exploitation situations and trafficking for forced labour to and from Estonia?