Anti-human trafficking manual for criminal justice practitioners

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

The Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners is offered in response to these various challenges. It aims to address capacity gaps of criminal justice practitioners working to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, protect and assist its victims, and effectively cooperate with others in doing so. The manual elaborates promising practices in every phase of criminal justice response to trafficking in persons, and stands as a practical guide and training tool for criminal justice practitioners.

The Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners is the product of broad- based expertise gathered in the course of a series of expert group meetings of judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officers who are practitioners in the field of human traf- ficking. Each of the modules in the Manual is designed to equip criminal justice practitioners to appropriately respond to the challenges of trafficking in persons. The promising practices offered in each module are intended to reveal the complexities of the subject matter, and enable practitioners to apply lessons learned by other practitioners to their own experiences in the field.