Watch over me: A system of guardianship for child victims of trafficking

Watch over me: A system of guardianship for child victims of trafficking

Watch over me: A system of guardianship for child victims of trafficking

Child victims of trafficking are among some of the most vulnerable children in the UK. In addition to having suffered physical, sexual and/or psychological abuse at the hands of their traffickers, child victims of trafficking find themselves alone in the UK, without parents or legal guardians. The level and quality of support provided to them varies widely and is often woefully inadequate.

ECPAT UK believes that a system of guardianship would fill these important gaps and provide child victims of trafficking with the care and support they need to successfully negotiate the welfare, legal and immigration system, access all the services to which they are entitled and find long-term solutions to their situations.  Two European countries, Scotland and the Netherlands, have introduced guardianship systems.