Tackling Modern Slavery through Purchasing Practices Toolkit (UK business focused)
The objective of Stronger Together is to reduce forced labour, human trafficking, and other hidden third-party labour exploitation.
By implementing the Stronger Together good practice in this toolkit, businesses will:
- Take positive steps to address systemic issues which can contribute to creating the conditions for exploitation to occur and work with their suppliers to prevent worker exploitation
- Be able to develop their annual “slavery and human trafficking statement” required under the S54 “Transparency in supply chains etc.” provisions of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, Australia Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (Cth), and other legal requirements addressing modern slavery that may be introduced
- Show their stakeholders that their business has taken proactive measures to identify and mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking in its supply chains
- Demonstrate a commitment to work with others to implement remedial steps should any instances of slavery be identified.
This toolkit provides guidance on:
- identifying those unintentional purchasing practices which may contribute to the root causes of exploitation
- developing a robust strategy to address modern slavery through the purchasing process
- taking practical steps to tackle modern slavery through purchasing practices in supply
For the purposes of this toolkit, purchasing encompasses those activities undertaken by those in procurement and buying functions, recognising that the relevant elements of a purchasing process apply to both although the context may differ in terms of the frequency, speed and the proactive/reactive nature of the process.
Download toolkit here.
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