Study on Demand Reduction Measures to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Labour Exploitation Through Engagement of the Private Sector

Zbigniew Lasocik

In this report, I attempt to identify several issues related to the broad problem of addressing demand, taking into account, however, that this work is a preliminary exploration.  In Poland, the “legacy” of considering human trafficking as a phenomenon associated with the sex industry is still strongly present in the collective consciousness, although police data shows that there are more investigations conducted in connection with allegations of forced labour than there are in relation to ‘typical’ human trafficking cases. For many people, including experts, human trafficking is a matter related to the criminal justice system, while the importance of issues such as workers’ rights, control of the supply chain and exploitation is minimal. Meanwhile, in practice, trafficking for forced labour purposes is one of the most serious challenges faced by all EU Member States. Victims include third-country nationals and EU citizens, blue-collar and highly educated employees, men, women and children. Forms of enslavement are much more sophisticated than the mere confiscation of a passport or a threat. In order to force victims to work, perpetrators use deception, fraud, manipulation, as well as mental and physical coercion.