Rutgers Report on Domestic Workers in New Jersey
Early in 2019, about a year before the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for
Women at Work at Rutgers University (CWW) began talking with representatives from four
National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) affiliates, Adhikaar, Casa Freehold, New Labor
and Wind of the Spirit, who were interested in documenting the working conditions of domestic
workers in New Jersey. Their goal was to collect data that would inform what a domestic worker
bill of rights in New Jersey might look like if it were to meet the needs and concerns of workers
on the ground. CWW’s recent research and analysis on domestic workers along with the real-life
experience of the community-based organizations would help to inform the adaptation of a survey
instrument that had been used in similar efforts in New York City and along the Texas-Mexico
Border in coordination with the NDWA. The New Jersey survey was available in three languages:
English, Nepali, and Spanish. Thirty women from the community were trained as surveyors, most
of them domestic workers themselves. They set a goal of reaching 400 of their colleagues across
the state. They reached 414.
See the full study report here.