Migrant Work & Employment in the Construction Sector

Migrant Work & Employment in the Construction Sector

Migrant Work & Employment in the Construction Sector


“This report broadly addresses the role that migrant workers play in the construction industry internationally, and explores some of the barriers they can face in accessing fair, safe and decent work in this sector. Migrants, both internal and international, have long been a key source of labour for construction markets across both industrialized and industrializing nations. This report focuses speci cally on international temporary migrants – individuals who live and work across national borders and whose residency and citizenship status where they work is in some way temporary – to explore how this group of workers is currently being incorporated into local labour markets, and to examine some of the intersecting factors – political, institutional, economic and geographical – that can make migrants employed in the sector vulnerable to exploitation or substandard working conditions. While recognizing that the structure of construction labour markets and construction activities in different places can vary immensely, this report both explores the variation of working conditions and employment relations for migrants employed in construction, and identities some common conditions and shared challenges for fair, safe and decent work that international migrants often face – some of which extend beyond any single labour market.”