LGBTQ Youth & Trafficking: The Role of Sexual & Gender Identity in Exploitation
Compelled: Fighting the Injustice of Human Trafficking
LGBTQ Youth & Trafficking: The Role of Sexual & Gender Identity in Exploitation
40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ (Polaris Project). Traffickers look for youth with vulnerabilities they can meet: housing, acceptance, love, etc.
This week on the podcast, we sat down with Lisa Hansen, Founder & Education Director of Power Over Predators & Cliff Rogers and Wendy from Covenant House DC to learn more about an LGBTQ individuals increased risk for trafficking and exploitation.
Freedom 4/24 is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 non profit. We believe every human life deserves to be free from exploitation and trafficking.
Listen to the podcast here.
Polaris Project report on LGBTQ communities & trafficking: https://polarisproject.org/lgbtq-communities-and-human-trafficking/ National Center for Missing and Exploited Children report on child molesters: https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/publications/nc70.pdf Power Over Predators: poweroverpredators.org Covenant House DC: https://covenanthousedc.org/