Community Based Model for Fighting Slavery

Community Based Model for Fighting Slavery

Community Based Model for Fighting Slavery


“The anti-slavery movement very much needs evidence-based models that yield significant, sustained declines in the prevalence of slavery. Free the Slaves has developed a community-based model for fighting slavery that it has deployed, with adaptation, in six countries. The model focuses on identifying and supporting at-risk communities so they acquire the intellectual, organizational, legal, political and physical assets that reduce vulnerability to slavery and liberate those in slavery. The key elements of the model are contextual research, strengthening the capacity of local agencies and organizations, which, in turn, act to increase community resistance and resilience. Community resistance to slavery is fostered through protective behaviors, community anti-slavery committees, increased household security, services to slavery survivors and increased policy and legal protection. The strengthening of community resistance and resilience reduces new cases of slavery, liberates those in slavery and yields sustained declines in the prevalence of slavery. The model has been carefully designed to permit rigorous testing and the accumulation of evidence and lessons learned. Results to date are promising. Free the Slaves will continue to test the model over the 2014-2016 period to develop longitudinal data. We urge the development and testing of other models that can be subjected to rigorous scrutiny.”