Forced Labour Observatory

Reliable and updated information on Forced Labor/Labour

The International Labor Organization has launched a platform called Forced Labour Observatory (FLO) that provides comprehensive global and country information on forced labour. In particular, you will find information related to International and National legal and institutional frameworks; Enforcement; Prevention (including fair recruitment and due diligence); Protection; Access to Justice; Remedies, and Cooperation.

You can browse the information contained in the FLO:

  • By selecting a country in the menu it will display the full profile for a particular country
  • By clicking on a topic it will display information on a particular thematic for all available country profiles
  • Available country profiles are also presented in the map on the home page

The Forced Labour Observatory (FLO) was developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to respond to the request of its Governing Body to develop “a global data warehouse on forced labour and trafficking”, in the framework of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Action Plan.

The FLO aims at providing policy-makers, researchers, governments, social partners, civil society, business community, donors and international organisations with accurate and up-to-date data/statistics and information on forced labour.

In the FLO, you will find comprehensive global and country information, including on international and national legal and institutional frameworks; enforcement, prevention (including fair recruitment and due diligence) and protection measures, as well as information related to access to justice; remedies, and cooperation.

The FLO contains publicly available information that has been compiled from international organizations, national institutions, and other reputable sources. For each entry, a link to the primary source is specified, making it easily accessible.

This database is a living tool: updates to existing profiles will continue to be added.

Visit the Forced Labour Observatory here.