Posts by: Human Trafficking Search

February 23, 2015

The Business Case for Survivors of Trafficking

Four years ago when I pitched my Indian anti-sex trafficking social enterprise at an investor’s circle in the Bay Area, …

Fifteen Years Fighting for Freedom:  Fifteen Lessons Learned
February 16, 2015

Fifteen Years Fighting for Freedom: Fifteen Lessons Learned

Free the Slaves fifteenth anniversary is a good moment to distill lessons learned from years working with slaves, survivors, activists …

February 9, 2015

The Economics of Human Trafficking:  An Intersection of Vulnerability and Exploitation

Kay Chernush The role of every article about human trafficking is to provide information with the goal of preventing and …

February 2, 2015

Two Years of the HTS Blog

Two years ago this last week the first HTS blog post was published. In the post, we explained that the …

January 26, 2015

Ending Everyday Forms of Exploitation in Our Fields Prevents Trafficking

Exploitation in our nation’s fields is rampant. Employers steal wages and impose extra fees (for transportation to and from the …

January 19, 2015

Fighting for Farmworker Justice

When people think of trafficking, they often think about sex trafficking. But labor trafficking is also an insidious problem globally …

Subcontractor Scheming: Holding Agricultural Companies Liable for Human Trafficking
January 12, 2015

Subcontractor Scheming: Holding Agricultural Companies Liable for Human Trafficking

U.S. legislation on human trafficking is critically flawed. Throughout the field, practitioners are increasingly focusing on culling demand, frequently through …

How US Temporary Work Visa Laws Enable Forced Labor and Exploitation
January 5, 2015

How US Temporary Work Visa Laws Enable Forced Labor and Exploitation

In honor of the U.S. National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month the HTS blog and social media accounts will focus …

December 30, 2014

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

In 2007 the U.S. Senate designated January 11 as National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness. While never passed in the …

December 22, 2014

Ending Trafficking Domestically and Abroad

When most people in the United States hear the words “human trafficking”, they often think of it happening in places …