A Guide for Mothers, Grandmothers, and Others for Helping a Girl Caught in Prostitution or Sex Trafficking

A Guide for Mothers, Grandmothers, and Others for Helping a Girl Caught in Prostitution or Sex Trafficking

A Guide for Mothers, Grandmothers, and Others for Helping a Girl Caught in Prostitution or Sex Trafficking

Every year tens of thousands of young people, especially young girls, become trapped into prostitution. Mothers, grandmothers, and others close to the young women, are usually the first to suspect the girl is in trouble. They’re also the most likely to care deeply, and the most willing to fight long and hard to help the young woman. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with tips, information, and resources to help you fight as effectively as possible to help a girl involved in prostitution.

Helping your child is not going to be easy. As you’re probably well aware, there are still very powerful prejudices and forces working against any young person in prostitution. There are the pimps and johns who treat her as merchandise, and control her with degradation, threats, and violence. There are police agencies that often treat her as a criminal. And there is much of our society that still believes it’s the girls who are the root cause of the prostitution problem.