An investigation into Nestle’s efforts to establish credibiolity in its global cocoa supply chain

An investigation into Nestle’s efforts to establish credibiolity in its global cocoa supply chain

An investigation into Nestle’s efforts to establish credibiolity in its global cocoa supply chain

This case study seeks to analyze the effectiveness of Nestle Inc. USA’s (Nestle) efforts to establish credibility in its Corporate Social Responsibility policies in the cocoa industry, in order to advise HRW on how to best respond. This paper will argue that although Nestle has made improvements in its efforts to eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor from its global cocoa supply chain, Nestle’s efforts are not credible because it is insufficiently transparent in the steps that it has taken to remedy this problem. Specifically, this paper will evaluate transparency in terms of the quantity, quality, accessibility, availability, and traceability of information to the public, information from third-parties, and Nestle’s willingness to incur penalties if the information it provides is inaccurate. Further, this paper will focus on Nestle’s efforts to eliminate the WFCL in its Côte d’Ivoire cocoa farms where approximately 40 percent of the world’s cocoa is produced.