The Global Battery Alliance Battery Passport

Global Battery Alliance

Giving an identity to the EV’s most important component

Batteries do much more than just power electric vehicles (EVs) – they also help determine their performance, service life, charging speed and costs.

That is, however, only part of a battery’s much longer journey along the value chain, which starts with the extraction of raw materials and extends into the second phase of each battery’s life as stationary energy storage or recycling sources.

Each battery, in other words, has its own story – a story that the Battery Passport will be able to tell.

There are a number of stakeholders in the value chain, ranging from businesses, to civil society and non-governmental organizations, to governments. Each has a role to play.

The Battery Passport, an initiative of the Global Battery Alliance (GBA), reflects this plurality and aims to align interests throughout the value chain using a framework for pre-competitive engagement, collective incentives and accountability.

It also aims to strengthen trust in environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations, setting relevant benchmarks, against which it will transparently track and validate performance while protecting proprietary interests.

Download the full briefing here.