PRIF Learning Series- Forced Labor Among Domestic Workers in Morocco

PRIF Learning Series- Forced Labor Among Domestic Workers in Morocco

PRIF Learning Series- Forced Labor Among Domestic Workers in Morocco

Presenters by Ridhi Sahai and Kareem Kysia from NORC, Katrina Cole from Justice Information Resource Network, and Sheldon Zhang from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The team from NORC explored the prevalence of domestic servitude in the Anfa and Maarif regions of Casablanca, Morocco, using two strategies: (1) Mark-Recapture and (2) Link Tracing Sampling (LTS). In addition, NORC fielded a randomized controlled trial embedded in the LTS component to understand if there are differences in prevalence estimates when using cell phone-based versus in-person interviewing techniques. NORC implemented the study in collaboration with local data collection partner Claire Vision Consulting, local research coordinator Mr. Ragbi Aziz, and the University of Massachusetts Lowell.