Newsletter: Global Campaign for the Prevention of Child Marriage
Child marriage is a marriage or similar union, formal or informal, between a child under a certain age typically age 18 and an adult or another child. The vast majority of child marriages are between a girl and a man, and are rooted in gender inequality.
Child Marriage is fundamental violation of human rights, which depriving children from their right to education, health and safety. The U.N. children’s agency, UNICEF, estimates more than 650 million women alive today had been married off when they were before the age of 18. The statistical analysis show that If child marriage had continued, more than 150 million girls will marry by 2030.
The Global Campaign for the Prevention of Child Marriage (GCPCM) was launched in March 2019, and the primary goal of this Campaign is raising awareness and illuminating people’s minds to address child marriage in the world. I believe that education is a powerful strategy to prevent child marriage in the world.
This Campaign is not a Charity or an NGO, it is just a free program available to communities to help spread awareness about child marriage and everyone who joins to this Campaign does on a voluntary basis.
Read or download the Newsletter here.
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