Mapping Modern Slavery Risk
Modern slavery impacts every country and virtually every industry in the world today. Over 40 million victims span our global supply chains, from cotton harvesting to fishing, garment manufacturing to electronics. When looking for where to source materials, where to invest money, and where to conduct business, incorporating modern slavery risk into the decision making process can feel like an overwhelming task.
However, there are data sources out there that help us to understand where the risk lies. These resources break down the complex and widespread crime of modern slavery by country, or industry, and provide us more clarity on how and where modern slavery exists within the world today.
When accessing this data, it is important to take into account the limitations of such information. Modern slavery, by its very nature, is a clandestine crime that can be challenging to quantify. However, these sources do provide an initial insight, and are updated on a regular basis with new research and intelligence, to further our understanding and allow for more effective risk management.
Read more here.